Friday, January 1, 2010

** Pretty Much The End

As I sit by my computer sipping my milo with egg white, I am straddling between 2009 and 2010. Another 2 minutes and it will be 2010. Just returned not too long ago from a bbq at a friend's place. Had fun. Only gripe is that my face was too oily and a pimple became really obvious. Certainly the fact that I am ignorant of the use of photoshop as well as too lazy to use it does not help at all. Wait...... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! The clock just struck 12 and it was echoed by some whistle sounds as well as cheers from my hdb neighbors. Kay, back to my thoughts proper.

I am thankful to God that today turned out to be better than I expected it to be. I was half expecting that I would be feeling terribly lonely and depressed and all that. Surprisingly, I am feeling quite okay. Of course, I did wish I had someone by my side just now but it was pretty manageable. Guess the time at my friend's place helped somewhat.

Was wondering what makes the new year such a big deal. Guess the conclusion I came to was that to many (myself included), it offers a fresh start to the journey called life. Whatever  failures and mistakes can be put behind us as we begin the new year. Even though I know that it is inevitable that I stumble along the way, it really does help me at least psychologically. I think it sums up to the need for second chances (or maybe thirds). I guess in certain areas of our lives we are seeking for the second chance to get it right this time. I suppose for me it applies to most areas of my life. If I look at 2009 in the natural, it would seem like a wasted year. But thank God that He is a God of second chance. So, for this year (2010) I will attempt again to walk this journey called life the way He wants it to be. God help me......

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