Monday, January 11, 2010

Back Finally

Just returned from my friend's wife's wake. Surprisingly, I do not have a lot of afterthoughts which I normally do after certain events in my life. Maybe I am no longer as philosophical as I used to be. Or maybe I am just tired out by events in my life. I am glad though to hear that my friend's okay. At least that's a good start to a long arduous journey for him. Jesus, be his strength Lord...... 

Today has not been a good day. First was news about my friend's wife. Second was news about my sis' decision to change church. I know I should be happy for her in that she has found a place where she feels comfortable with and can call home. But no, I am not some guy who will be happy as long as the other party's happy. Nay, I am far more selfish than that. I wish my sis would stay. With her gone, I have less opportunities to see her. I feel like I have one less close friend with me.

Already my best friend is in another church and now my sis. It's like there ain't any close friends around anymore. But this time round I do not feel like I should just follow along like I used to for the previous occasions. Great! The exact situation I need to be in right now. Okay, maybe I am a little more mature than I thought...... It's good for my sis to find a place that fulfills her needs spiritually. Maybe after that, my brother in law would not have much complaints about church leadership anymore. :) Anyway, I don't think now's a good time for this. Not that I have much energy to slip into my emo state. Gonna go get some rest...... good night world......

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I also realised that we'll be seeing each other much lesser now that we'll not be in the same church. :( So that means we've got to meet up more and makan together more.... :) Its a little more effort but its worth it! Love you!
