Friday, January 1, 2010

First Blog For 2010

As the euphoria of the new year fades, I find myself back to some routines today. First was gym. Today's gym session did not go too well. Seems like I'm weaker than my norm. Maybe its the lack of rest? Then again I seem to be in a state of lack of rest even with my 8 hours of sleep. I also had lunch with dad. It was a miracle cos he was on time for the appointment for the first time. I was expecting him to be about 15 minutes (which is typical) late at least but he was there at 12 sharp. Applause everyone!

To my dismay, I still find it a little awkward having lunch with dad after so long. But thank God it was not as bad as it was before. So I guess we are progressing. Anyway, that's a great start to the new year. Another cool thing happened. I bumped into a friend Adrian Pang at the club during my workout. Had a good chat with him. Nice to know he's doing well. He is really a nice person, no airs about him despite his celebrity status. He used to be a patient of mine when I was working in a private clinic. I always enjoy chatting with him. He's just so humorous.

So that pretty much marks how half of my day went today. Am hoping to do all my instruments later and still catch a movie. Ambitious but we'll see.......

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