Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Feeling a little down cos my best friend's run into a major setback in his career and he is discouraged. We communicated via sms last night and he sounded really bad. Phrases like 'giving up', 'kill me lah' and 'God played me out' were common themes which ran through our conversation. I know he is really discouraged this time round. His career has not been the smoothest in the midst of him pursuing his dream. Still remember a time when he called me from Australia and cried over the phone as he narrated to me his experiences there.

As much as I feel for him, I am also at a lost of what to do (which makes it even more frustrating). Any form of verbal encouragement now seems like some cliche or slogan or sorts when someone is so low in his emotions. The 'God played me out' line was so real to me late last year as I faced the break down in relationship with J, whom I so so desired to be with. That same line went through my mind again and again as I became depressed over the lost relationship. And I was and am pretty sure that God really had a part to play in my relationship with J. It was going so smoothly and then wham, it just dissipated into nothing. I knew God must have done something supernaturally, but it was really to save me from a catastrophe in the making. Had my relationship progressed on till I was just head over heels in love with J, the breakup (which would have come sooner or later) would literally have killed me.

So as much as I still complain to God about His unkind act (I really sympathesize with God sometimes), I know it's finally for my good. Not too sure if I could apply it into my best friend's situation right now, but the bible clearly says that God will work all things out for our good (which frankly I myself find it hard to believe sometimes or rather most of the time). Now all I can do is to avail myself whenever he needs someone by his side and pray he'll make it through stronger......

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