Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Things Are Just Not For Me

I walked past an optical shop and I fell in love with a pair of branded sunglasses. The more I looked at it, the more I wanted to have it. Ryan, who was with me during that time offered me some sound advice (which does not come often from him :) just kidding) and asked me to try them out.

We stepped into the shop and I had a try at it. As much as it looked good on its own and on me, the fit was not right. Being in the same line myself, I know that I will definitely have issues with the pair cos the fit for me is just not right. Dismayed, I placed the sunglass back to its position and left.

Thinking about it, I realised that there are things in my life which really are not suitable for me for various reasons. The sad part about it is that I am still holding on to them as if one day a miracle would happen for me. As usual, when it comes to emotional stuff, I really don't seem to be able to behave in a clear-headed manner. :(

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