Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Thing About Facebook

I used to imagine threatening people, especially those in the service industry with the line 'I will write to the press about this.' Then I thought if one day my blog hits hit about 10+ thousand, I'd just threaten 'I'll just write about you in my blog.' Problem is the last I saw I only had 767 hits compared to 200 thousand for some blogs which I follow so I realised that's not gonna work. But I realised recently that there is a tool more powerful than all that and that is facebook, especially if you have a large friend base.

I recently shared with my friends about a movie which I watched which really sucked. Another sucker who watched the movie agreed to my thoughts. Then some friends who intended to watch the movie decided not to. Another friend commented about some telemarketer from a local bank which also triggered a string of comments. Then I realised how powerful facebook was. And you do not even need to go through the hassle of writing formally to the media. And they won't even get a chance to rebut your statement unless one of them is on your friends list. My goodness, powerful ain't it? Better be nice to everyone I come in contact with from now on. :)

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