Thursday, January 21, 2010


Expect this post to be philosophical but not practical, well at least to me......

Was lunching with my best friend at KFC (whoopy have not had such sinful food in a while). The problem with 2 depressed people lunching is that none can lift the other up. In fact, one of the topics discussed was the least painful way to commit suicide. *Gasps* One of the most profound statements I made during lunch was 'it depends on what your expectations in life is'. Simple enough to understand yet too profound to use in life. Was thinking about the root of why people can be so utterly depressed (myself very much so) and I attribute one reason to be expectations. Aren't we disappointed because of our expectations, be it of people, circumstances or even God?

And yet, the last thing we would do without is expectations. It is so subtle and it can be easily masked behind good intentions.

Anyway I have lost my train of thoughts, so if I ever get philosophical again, I shall continue......

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