Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Made A Young Girl Cry Today

Muahhaahaahaha. I was seeing this patient just now who was a young little girl, think 5 or 6 years old. She came into my room and the first thing she asked was if she could watch 'Tom & Jerry'. She knew that we had this cartoon snippet in our computer system which was used to distract the young patients while we did some objective tests. I was supposed to check her glasses power for her. So while I was carrying out those tests I turned the cartoon on for her to watch.

When we came to reading the charts, she did fine for her first eye but when it came to the second eye, she started to be more haphazard in her response. I tried to coax her a little but it did not seem to work. So finally I told her that if she reads the rest of the charts properly I would let her continue to watch the cartoon after we were done, to which she nodded her head. But she started to give random answers soon after.

So I got irritated and I stopped my tests as soon as I got what I wanted and I told her that we were done and she could leave the room. I think that kind of startled her a little. I then told her that since she did not fulfil her end of the bargain, I was not going to mine. And I told her again that we were done and she could leave. Next I noticed her starting to tear. Her mum then came along and started to reprimand her. I did not relent but continued to pack her case notes and sent them out.

Think her mum was probably shocked as well to my response. Usually, we would try to coax them to try to cooperate but I did not do it this time round. Prior to seeing her, I heard her mum issuing tons of threats to her cos she was misbehaving. Guess I wanted to be radically different from her mum. I don't issue threats. I simply do what I say...... :)

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