Sunday, January 3, 2010

** 3rd Jan 2010

It's the third day of January. Did I mention how fast time flies. Yap, it's back to work tomorrow. Wonder when the next long weekend will be. Guess it will be a long time man...... Today's service was especially long cos Pastor was talking about 2010 for the church. The first line that registered with me was '2010 will be a challenging year'. Oh great, thanks! As if I do not have problems of my own. But as he went one, he mentioned that 2010 will also be a year of break through.

He mentioned a far bit of stuff but mostly what I wanted to hear was that even people who have been hardened to the gospel will come to accept Jesus. That's good. Could use that for my parents. Stubborn bunch of people. Now I know where I got my stubbornness from. :) Next, he talked about even things we may have given up hope will see breakthrough this year. THAT I could use. I sure could use a breakthrough in my emotions and all that.

Now the question is do I wanna step out and start trusting God once again. After half a year of going through what I have been through, I am not too sure if I can fully trust God again. Maybe I have been too comfortable wallowing in the mud that I do not want to move on anymore. I realise that the journey left is short. Now is the time to give it my all. But then again...... I still remember a man of God who prayed for me many many years back once told me, "My (God's) word is more real than your circumstances." Seriously I find that hard to believe now. God I really need help......

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