Thursday, January 14, 2010

Thursday The 14th

Today's been a tiring day man. Going from department to department to help my colleagues. Currently we are having a shortage of staff. Can't imagine the situation when my colleague Val leaves. Think it's gonna be chaotic man. Did so many kid patients as well.

My first bad news actually came last night. Was supposed to be going out with my sis for dinner tonight but her boy was diagnosed with h1n1 so she couldn't make it. Was really looking forward to it. So wanted to catch up with her after so long. I guess the only good thing is that I get to rest a little more tonight and fiddle more with my instruments as well.

Next bad news came when I decided to step on the weighing scale after a few months of not doing so. To my horror, I only weighed 52 kg! What! After so long and so much effort 52 is all I get? My God! Was quite disappointed to say the least. Now I really need to sit down and reevaluate everything man. Is it worth all the time, effort and money? Sigh.

Anyway, gonna go spend some more time with my instruments. It's been a while since I last consistently practiced them and I hope to be able to do so this year. Gonna close with a picture I took with one of my patients who is so adorable......

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