Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I Need Energy. Okay, maybe more than that......

Am feeling kind of tired today. Went for a friend's wedding briefing last night. We went to the church where the wedding will be held and it was beautiful. Kind of yearn for that kind of place for my own church. Seems like it is more popular now to rent auditoriums than to have our own premises.

To be frank I am not too excited about helping out at the wedding. Maybe I have been too drained of late. Maybe all these remind me of the cruel fact that a wedding of my own ain't anywhere in the pipeline anytime soon. But marriage is once in a lifetime (hopefully!), and I hope to help make it a memorable one for my friend, so I guess I will push on. Just 10 more days and it'll be over. God, I really reall need help......

Was talking to a colleague yesterday and I kind of startled myself with what I said. We were talking about the world ending and all that. Then I told her that other than for the fact it would grieve some people close to me, I really do not mind leaving this world. Was telling her how at this present moment I really feel that I have nothing to live for. Anyway, I shall not go into the 'emo' mode today. My previous post was also reflected in my facebook account and many thought it was a bgr issue and started to encourage me along that line when the context of what I wrote was totally different. But anyway, I appreciate everyone's concerns.

Kay, gonna start getting ready to go off for the day. Gonna skip gym to go back to get some rest. Have a lesson with my bro tonight and hopefully we can get mote videos done.......

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