Thursday, January 7, 2010

Upset With Someone

Maybe 'bitter' would be a more apt word to use. Okay, I do not want to exaggerate so maybe 'upset' is a better word. Whatever! Had a friend who used to be in the same church as me who decided to move on to another church, which is fine by me. However, I have always adopted a pull factor rather than push factor when it comes to changing church. Which is actually not right. It should be a 'God' factor as in God telling you to move. But my guess is that its more because of my present church not meeting his expectations that is causing him to move. To top it up, his girlfriend's parents have had issues with the church leadership before so I will not be surprised if that played a part as well. To be fair I have not spoken to him in regards to this issue before so all these assumptions could be wrong.

Anyway, that's not what I am upset over. I am happy for him if he feels that's the way God is leading him and that he finds a place he can call home. What I am not happy over is the fact that I happened to have found that out from his brother instead. With such a major issue, I would not have realised this till he has disappeared for some time. I wished he had the courtesy to at least inform me of his big decision after all these years of friendship. My conclusion is that this friendship probably is not worth much to him. Maybe I am paranoid but I suppose action does speak louder than words. Hmmm, I really do not know what to say. I guess there is nothing much to say is there? Okay, enough of bitching around. Hate it when such things happen to me......

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