Saturday, January 9, 2010

Oil Blotters

As if I do not have enough skin products on my shelf. But I recently got quite irritated with my ever so oily skin. The worst part of the issue is that there is no common consensus as to whether I should wash my face more often. Some say its fine cos it removes the excess oil while other say it strips away the oil causing the skin to produce even more oil. Then comes the issue of whether moisturisers should be used. One doc said that my skin is already oily enough so there's no need for it. Another doc said that when the skin is dry, it will produce more oil. Great, as if I do not have enough confusion in my life already.

One day, an idea struck me. Why don't I try oil blotters? I walked Guardian one day and picked it up. Tried it and it was great! I know it does not solve my problem but at least I do not have to wash my face as often. Sometimes I envy you guys who have balanced skin and thus not need to go through all the hassle I do with my skin. But when you guys are getting wrinkles and I am not (due to my oily skin), I will be the one laughing. Till then,......

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