Sunday, January 17, 2010

Okay It Did Not Turn Out That Bad After All

Think I have become pessimistic after going through so much stuff in my life. Yesterday, my mum suggested going to the club to chill today. Ever since then I have been dreading it. The thought of doing dinner together and being silent throughout was a dreary thought. I preferred to be at the club alone or with friends or people I am comfortable with. Some how mum did not fit into any of those categories. So I dreaded and I dreaded and I dreaded.

Turned out to be pretty okay I must say. We cabbed there. I went for my swim and jacuzzi while she and the helper did whatever. Then we met up for dinner at the cafe. She did most of the talking though. I was disturbed over certain things which cropped up in the toilet so I did not feel like talking much.

I blame the way the relationship has turned to on myself mostly. Sure, she has issues but I being the more clear headed one (at least I think I am), should have prevented my feelings from degenerating till such. Now, nothing short of a miracle will help brings our relationship back to when it was the peak during my army days......

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