Wednesday, December 30, 2009


is a young patient of mine (bout 6-7 years old). He is a cute boy in a very unfortunate circumstance. His left eye is blind and his right eye has very bad vision. After wearing glasses of about 900 degrees short-sightedness and 200 degrees of astigmatism, he needs to stand at 6 metres to see what a normal person can see at 38 metres. And he has a whole life ahead of him.

His mum was buying spects from us and was telling me and a colleague about how generous he was compared to his brother. She told us that whenever he had any money he would always give to charity whereas his brother would only give away a very small sum compared to what he had. Mum was telling us how she had to teach him that he should keep some as a form of savings for himself. When asked if he had a hundred bucks how much he would give away, he would reply all whereas his brother would only give five.

As I look at him, I really feel love towards him. Young, simple and trusting. The reason he said that he would give all was that he did not need any. What a big heart! He knows he's taken care of and thus he can be generous to others. How many of us can really say that despite the fact that we have a God Who takes care of us and loves us? Food for thought......

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