Monday, December 21, 2009

Frustrated...... again

It's my first day back to work from reservist. And by now I am feeling pooped. Would to God that my training was 3 weeks instead of 2. Thought I would come back fresh and I did. Sad to say the euphoria only lasted like a couple of hours. The welcome back was great. Did not expect my colleagues to be so elated to see me again. Other than work, I was trying to settle my leave in March 2009. Planning to go with my cousins to Taiwan.
In a sense I am quite excited cos I have never done such a thing with them before. But the process (esp the taking of leave) has been daunting. On one hand, one of my cousins can't quite confirm if she can go. On the other, I have colleagues who would like to take the same stretch of leave as me. Being the planner I am (or at least claim to be), I would like to make sure things are okay ahead of time. I HATE the feeling of hanging and being stranded not being able to confirm anything. Currently, we are having a shortage of staff and only one of us can apply for leave at any one time. The word 'miserable' is an understatement seriously.
Reminds me of my former workplace when I could only take leave when my boss is away. Dreaded that cos I did not feel its fair that people whom I travel with have to revolve around me. Seems like its happening again. God, we need staff! Actually, we need the HR to decide to pay people more so that people will wanna join.......

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