Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day Of Reservist

Sigh. It's the last day of reservist. Wish there was another week for me to go. Could use a little more time to read. Anyway, I managed to get quite a fair bit done today so I am quite proud of myself. I managed to go to the club for my gym session as well as a swim.

I also managed to bring my nephew for a movie. Went to watch 'Planet 51'. Not too bad. Quite enjoyed it except for the fact I went in slightly late. Not my fault though. I was there early to purchase the tickets but the queue was long and most of the people in the queue were stupid (of course that excludes me!). It really baffles me cos the queue was long and yet the people in the queue could not take the time to consider whatever they wanted to buy. Only when they were served then they started to pick and choose. MORONS! Erh Emm. I shall control myself. Actually this is the first time I have ever spent considerable time with my nephew. I have been toying with the idea of bringing him out for a movie for some time already but never quite got the chance. This morning I asked him if he had watched 'Planet 51' yet and he replied 'no'. His next line was somewhat compelling: "I wonder if I will get the chance to watch it." or something along that line. He then asked if I had watched it yet. Somehow I knew I had to make time to bring him today......

So this uncle of his, sacrificed his time at the club today, rushed to and fro by cab so that I could bring him out since he had a dinner appointment and I had my hair appointment. Okay, no regrets. The show was okay and I suppose the time spent was okay as well. Only thing was that I realised that I had difficulty relating to him. Kind of funny cos he was going on about everything from table tennis to taekwondo to running to his brother (you get the picture) while I hardly said much. Kind of reminds me of my relationship with dad. Seems like I am having a character trait that I so dread from my dad......

Next, I rushed off to have my hair cut and dyed (yippeee!) Figure the above pic will be what I look like a few decade later when I have a full head of white hair. Then again, that will never be cos I will always color it black. Yah, vain I know.

So, not too bad for a day. Managed to squeeze in quite a fair bit. Now need to go pray man. Been feeling weak emotionally again. God, I need HELP!

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