Wednesday, December 16, 2009


This is a blog about a colleague of mine who's leaving us to get married. Yippeee! Errr not to the leaving part but to the marital part. Really happy for her. After having worked with her for close to 2 years (not to mention another year during our first job together), I find her to be a really nice gal to say the least. Her work attitude never ceases to impress me. Despite her already busy work schedule, she is still so helpful whenever other colleagues need help. She and I were supposed to set up a sub clinic together and frankly she did most of the hard work and I got most of the glory.
I enjoy working with her cos she has a very pleasant personality. I hardly notice her flare up and she always seem to keep her cool in the midst of dealing with really stupid and unreasonable patients.

That's Mel and Me (Pun intended).

Also, I find her to be a very practical person. When it comes to relationships, I find her very real and down to earth. Maybe because we are the same age, I find it easy to relate to her and I suppose vice versa (I hope!). Errr, nuf said. Prepared a little song for her in a video below. Mel, you ought to be really honored. This is the first time I am singing in a video and I even got a professional pianist to do the accompaniment. Enjoy,......

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