Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yesterday,...... all my troubles seemed so far away,...... Part 2

Okay, done with the first bit. Now, down to the next. Managed to meet up with my best friend to celebrate my way overdue birthday. :) Had dinner at Timbre @ Substation. Quite liked it. The food was good and I enjoyed the music. EMO music, I like...... There was a live band too and it was really enjoyable listening to them.

One thing I found though was that I was not too comfortable talking about my life with him. Even though I was already a little high from the beer we had prior to dinner, which makes me even more comfortable with talking about sensitive stuff, I felt as if he was not or maybe could not really listen to me. Maybe it was me but it was like a wall between us of sorts. I would drop a line here and there and it would seem weird and I would stop. I could not seem to express or talk about my life freely to him as I would like to. After a while, when he asked if I had anything to share, I told him no cos I did not feel like I could without making him feel uncomfortable. I don't blame him. I know he will never be able to relate to what I go through and knowing his character, he will not feel comfortable should I divurge too much details about my life. So, we left it at that......

Think I'll probably be able to share more with my non-Christian friends. Sad but true. Anyway, there are many hard facts of life that I am coming to terms with. Guess all I need is time......

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