Friday, February 5, 2010

And I Thought It Would Be Better

Was sort of expecting the day to turn out brighter. Though I was tired from having to wake up early to attend a talk, somehow things just felt brighter. That was until the day really started......

Work was hectic and stressful to say the least. I was at my peak to make sure all the work and patients were cleared without delay. Unfortunately, one of my colleagues left earlier and the work started to pile. There was some communication breakdown and I ended up doing more than I had to. Coupled with that, I received a sms from my friend. His dad passed away. And later I found out that a friend who was 7 month pregnant, lost her baby. I was taken aback. And I thought that my life sucked. The rest of the day I was lost, trying to get my work done in the midst of bad communication as well as digesting the other 2 tragedies that came along. I was totally wasted by the end of the work day.

To my dismay later in the evening when I was about to head off to the funeral service, the stupid car battery decided to die on me once again. I could not start the engine. Seriously I was wondering what more could happen. In a sense I am grateful cos I was not too sure if I was in a state to drive. Having much stuff on my mind, I wouldn't be surprised if I could not fully concentrate on driving. Then again, the cost of getting someone over and replacing the stupid battery got to me. Been bleeding a fair bit of cash lately. Hopefully, I can get the car battery settled tomorrow morning. Really would like to chill and enjoy my well deserved weekend.....

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