Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Do You Do When You Have Lost Someone?

I really feel for my friend who lost his wife recently. Though he claimed that he's okay on the night I visited him, I've heard from friends how he misses his wife and talks about his wedding day from time to time. I figured something was not too right when I saw his status on facebook reflect that he was married to his wife recently. But it was only today that I found out more details of how he has been living his life since. A lot of time is spent on the com and printing out photos. The scarier part is that the kids are pretty much neglected while he still lives in his own world now with his memories.

What do you tell such a person? I know what to tell him but I certainly am the least qualified. My supposed 2 week friendship with J took me months to recover. Can I expect him to be on his feet when he has lost a person he has been married to for about 15 years? Even last night as I was watching Scary Movie 3, I was also feeling a little down cos J and I were supposed to watch all 4 Scary Movies together. This was another common interest we had. Thank God I did not slip into depression but the sting was definitely there.

Guess the only thing I can do for my friend is to pray for him. I know it will definitely take a whole load of strength to rise about this situation. Jesus help him.......

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