Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Happy Reunion

It's been a while since I have been so happy at an event. Last night I went for my ex-company 'lou hei' which is a yearly event prior to CNY. I do not know whether its a good thing but I noticed a lot of new faces. And the alumni seems to be getting bigger and bigger with a number in the waiting list. :) Seems like some things never change......

That's Jasmine, seemingly surprised to see me......

That's Uncle Yong and his lovely wife Betty. Uncle Yong's one of my mentors during my stay with JTES.

That's Eileen, a lovely colleague of mine. It's so amazing that after so many years, she does not seem to age.....

It's nice to be the youngest again...... :)

Here comes the star of the day, Leng (whom I call Ah Chan) who was the latest of the whole cohort...... The one who stands beside Leng, totally excited at her arrival is Cindy, who was obviously super hungry...... :)

Leng used to be the secretary there. A super capable woman......

This is Kerina. Without exaggerating, she is really one of the MOST hardworking and virtuous woman I have ever come across in my life......

And this is Cindy, a super sociable and nice colleague of mine in JTES......

This is Dawn, the present secretary. Another really nice and sweet gal......

Getting ready for the highlight of the night, the 'lou hei'......

And this is part of the 'lou hei'. Apologies for the poor videoing. It's hard to video and 'lou hei' at the same time..... :)

FAMILY PHOTO TIME! This to me was the highlight of the night. We really look like a family don't we? So this is a 3 generation family photo. Of course I belong to the youngest generation......
Best of luck and prosperity to all.
Blessed New Year! :)

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