Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Feel Cheated

Had a short conversation with a relative of mine on day 1 of CNY. Was really impressed with his maturity in his view about finances for a 19 year old. He then asked me about my pay and how I survive with such a pay. At first I did not think much about it and that he was just asking innocent questions. Then I received a call from him a while ago and he asked me if I was interested in earning 1k extra per month. FISHY...... In any case, he wanted to introduce a business to me and asked me if we could meet up. I would be interested to meet up with him for any reason except for this. But I still agreed to meet up anyway. He even requested for me not to be too casual in my dressing. Duh, I don't quite see how that has bearing on me being a potential business partner. Anyway, the sucker in me has already agreed to meet up and my only hope is that I will not be too blatant in my words during the meeting itself. Cos I do feel a little, just a LITTLE cheated.

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