Thursday, February 18, 2010


Had a good chat with a friend not too long ago. Became really candid in my conversation with her. Somehow, I knew she could understand me and more importantly she would accept me as I am. It's funny cos she is not a believer. Sometimes I seem to be able to spill more about myself to non-believers than believers. Maybe it's also because I know what I reveal about myself would not disturb her as much as I know it would to believers since I know the basic doctrine makeup of most believers.

I have a friend whom I consider a dear one cos I know she is praying for me ever so often. Whenever I talk to her about my personal life I can see the heartache she feels for me cos she does not hide her emotions well (which is good and bad). So it comes to a point where I do not share much about my personal life to her anymore cos I do not think its fair for her to go through such agony because of my misdeeds. I guess such is life. :(

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