Tuesday, February 23, 2010


After a post like the previous, I suppose there needs to be a post like this. I did not notice this till a while ago as I was on my way to work  in the train. I have sort of formed a habit of listening to sermons on my way to work and back recently. As one sermon ended, another came on titled 'Do Yourself A Favor, Forgive'. How appropriate! When I came to that sermon, I knew it was an issue to deal with. I remember laying in bed last night rehearsing how to give my dad a piece of my mind if he ever complains about my capability in settling his administrative stuff while he is away. In fact, after making a wasted trip to his place last evening, I had a lot of angry thoughts and I only found some reprieve while I was watching 'Charlie's Angels 2'. :)

It's funny cos I always see myself as a gentleman and part of that means that I do my best not to bear grudges against anyone. Also, having heard so much about forgiving people, I expected myself to be more equipped to forgive when the need arises. Well, guess I am weak when it comes to my own family.

Sometimes I wonder to myself, how long more do I have to put up with my dad. Why can't I just give in more to him while he is still around? He is already 75. In July, he'll be 76. By natural reasoning, there ain't too many years left. Guess this reasoning ain't good enough to see me through for very long but I'll make do with what I've got......

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