Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Am on mc again today. Hmmm, seems vaguely familiar. But this time it's sort of an overkill. Was having a fair bit of phlegm for the past couple of days and sneezing from time to time so I got really concerned. Whenever I got to see my GP, it has usually become quite serious. One time it even developed to bronchitis despite me having seen other doctors. But thank God this time round it was just a mild viral flu. So hopefully this time round with some med and rest I'll be up and running again tomorrow. Think I need to build up my immunity system though. Been falling ill too frequently......

Okay, gonna blog a little about my thoughts about work before the drowsy med kicks in. Yesterday, I was in the room with 2 of my supervisors as well as another colleague. I was kind of disturbed when my supervisors were telling me about my work. Basically the way I interpreted their words was something like telling me that I gotta be more initiative and that I do not have to always do things a set way. I can go beyond that. Hmmm, fancy telling that to a 'C' personality......

In any case, I felt threatened somewhat. I can't say that I have been very initiative but do we have to openly declare every single thing done beyond our scope of work? As for doing things the set way, I am not too sure if I can do anything about it though. Hmmm, seems like I am being squeezed out of my comfort zone slowly but surely. Frankly I do not know where to go on from here and whether what I am doing is in line with what is expected out of me. Was actually thinking about my studies next year. I felt at first maybe it might be better to delay another year so that I can help out with my colleagues with all the changes in the clinic now and upcoming. Then again, it might not be a bad idea to disappear for 2 years. At least,  there ain't much expectations to meet up to then. Sigh. I hope this will not be a crack in my career and my relationships with mu colleagues. God I need wisdom......

Kay, gonna go sleep soon, getting drowsyyyyyyyy......

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