Saturday, April 17, 2010

My Today

Think I am not too up today. Started the day at my vocal coach Alice's place. I was scheduled to be trained by one of the gurus of speech level singing Dave, the ceo himself as part of Alice's assessment. Apparently this guy trains singers like Adam Lambert and Jordin Sparks. Should have asked him to help me obtain an autograph. :(

Anyway, the training did not go too well. We trained over skype and it was quite difficult to pitch myself. Ended up having pitch problems. Was also stressed though he was pretty friendly. So glad I have Alice as my coach. Less threatening. :)

Have been feeling pretty tired and weak today. So I decided to give my gym session a miss and head back home after a conference. Slept away 3 hours and spent most of my time practicing for the worship tomorrow. To be frank I really do not feel up to it. But when will I ever be? There seems to be such a discrepancy between the rest of the band members and me. They are like so way up there and I am way below. Every worship session's a stressful one for me, to the extent I wonder if I should be in the team anyway.

Another concern on my mind. Seems like I might be coming down with another flu, which is scary cos I just had a bout less than 2 weeks ago. That means my immunity is really down. Either that or I am under attack. No time to think about that now. Gonna go for my last round of practice before heading to bed. So NOT looking forward to tomorrow. :(

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