Monday, April 26, 2010

How Worship Went Today

What to say? Wish I could say it went perfectly well. But no, it really did not. The Mandarin one went okay but the English sucked. It started okay but I could not tell you when it started going south. The fast songs went great. The energy was good and the congregation was latching on very well. But after that, it just did not flow. In fact, I was so busy concentrating on not making mistakes I did not notice initially that the flow was not there. I noticed Caile, the electric guitarist getting restless. In fact, I only found out later for a period of time he even walked off. Then for one of the ending songs I seemed to be straight on clashing with the guitarist who was the worship leader. So for a period I just stopped playing altogether.

Anyway, enough of that. Just glad that it's over. The rest of the day went fine though. Was tired but I managed to go for my vocal lesson, which went great. It's surprising that after a number of lessons, I am still discovering new things about my voice. Had a great time there. Looking forward to the next one.....

Also, I managed to hit the gym as well. Wow, did great today. Now, I am just chilling out and blogging away. Tomorrow, I will be going for a movie with Peiyuan after my work. YIPEE! Gonna sleep early tonight. Really need the rest. Till next time......

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