Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Idol...... Gym......

I question my sanity sometimes. After today's service and playing for 2 sessions, I was really drained. Also, I was having a headache and remnants of sniffing from last night but I still made my way to the gym. Figured that unless I am totally sick I should still go to the gym since I usually stop a couple of days whenever I fall sick. Make sense? No? Never mind. I still braved the blazingly hot sun and the arduous journey to the Singapore Swimming Club to do my workout.

Not too sure if it did me any good cos I did not do the full works cos I was just too tired or lazy or both. BUT I must say that I gained something else. I wanna go do another tattoo! Saw a guy with almost the exact tattoo I liked at the exact spot I wanted. It looked quite good. Yipeee, I should follow suit soon...... ;)

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