Thursday, April 29, 2010

For That Hand To Hold

Guess I am in my emo mood again. So many thoughts on my mind, no answers. Then again, the answers have been the same all along. Just not willing to accept them for what they are. I think the hardest thing in life is to be stuck in a situation I have absolutely no control over. I miss J again. As the little conversations float through my mind, I am reminded again of my loss in life. A hand I so want to hold right now but nothing short of a miracle can even cause us to be even friends. At this point, who's at fault pales in comparison to the fact I need you J. Even if you are the most unreasonable person in the world, I will relent. I really will. How can I prove to you that I really like you?

Nope, I do not understand jap. Would have started to learn it if  J and I were together. But I suppose the English parts of this song pretty much sums up my feelings for now......

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