Saturday, May 1, 2010

Great Fellowship Last Night

I must admit my main motivation for watching Iron Man 2 last night was so that I could spend more time with Caile. I was kind of ready to run off after the movie. But I ended up having dinner with the rest. No regrets though. Other then the two of us, there were Edwin, David and Luanna. So it was like a mini life group setting.

It was a really nice chat with Luanna. Though we knew each other existed, we never really held a conversation before. I figure that any group of people must have at least one person like Luanna to break the ice so to speak. I enjoy the feeling of being able to talk quite freely about stuff whatever it may be. Luanna gave me this feeling. Though we hardly knew each other prior, it was a good conversation.

Guess I should make it a point to fellowship more with the people in the life group......

By the way, Iron Man 2 was quite good. Missed a part of it though cos some were late. Will write about it another time......

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