Monday, May 17, 2010

Iron Man 2

This is probably the first time I have ever caught a movie twice while it is still screening in the cinemas. Well, not that it was so superb a show but because I promised a colleague to watch it with her. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the movie more the second time than the first. I guess it could be that I understood more of it than the first time round.

I heard from a fair number of people that they felt the movie was disappointing. Though I could not say that it was a wow movie, I felt that it was somewhat underrated. The effects were good. The humor was good. Of course, how could we forget Scarlett Johansson as well as Gwyneth Paltrow? There were certain parts that could have been elaborated on more and the fighting scenes could have been lengthened as well. But overall, I felt the show was pretty okay. I guess for any movie, expectations is the key......

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