Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Day

Now I am dancing (sort of) to the tune of 'Bad Day' by Daniel Powter. Think I will attempt to sing it for the next lesson. Thank God my day was not a bad one. Well, at least for most part of it......

As usual, had a tough time waking up today. BUT, I managed to make it halfway through the Mandarin worship. So not too bad, except for my wallet. Been taking cabs like nobody's business. English service was good in a sense I managed to keep awake most of the time. The message was a continuation from last week so the conviction continued as well. Think I really need to wake up from my stupor......

Vocal lesson was great as usual. Managed to sing 伍家輝's 雖然我願意 and I survived it as well. Alice thought I did pretty well in it. ;) It's amazing how I am learning new stuff about my voice every lesson. Hmmm, really thinking towards being certified. 

Gym was okay. 

Had to get AA to jump start my dad's dead car prior to sending it back. Also became a member. Hmmm, without owning a car. That's weird. Maybe that's a sign I should get one soon. :) Sigh, I realised my attitude has been really bad of late. Been really negative and cynical towards practically everything. Need to really get into the Word man. Okie, gonna go get some rest. It's a new week tomorrow! New start hopefully. Ooops, there I go again...... 

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