Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thoughts, Thoughts And more Thoughts

Just returned from the hospital. Visited a good friend's dad who is in icu now from a suspected heart attack. Lots of thoughts in my mind now. It started last night when I received a sms from my bro saying that my friend's dad was in hospitalised and told me to check on him. I did and found out that his dad had fainted and the doctor suspected a heart attack and that he was in icu. I told him to keep me updated.

Today I received another sms saying that his dad was 'brain dead' and they were hoping he'll awake in the next 24 hours. After realising how serious the matter was, I made plans to go down to see his dad. Actually, I was quite disturbed by the news. I had another friend who lost his dad recently but his dad went in and out of hospital a number of times prior and I supposed that gave him some mental preparation so to say. But this one came so suddenly I was really concerned for my friend. Not to mention that he is still quite young.

So I went with a really heavy heart. I really felt my going was redundant since there was not much I could do or say. When I reached, there were quite a number already there. Apparently my senior pastor had already came and left cos there was another church member who suffered a stroke today. OMG! I sat there just waiting for a chance to see his dad. We prayed for his dad. As I stood there looking at his dad lying there and hooked up to all the life support equipment, the scene of my mum lying on the bed with all the same equipment flashed in my mind. For most of you who have not read my previous yahoo blog I wrote before about my mum who once suffered a bad episode of asthma and was warded into icu as well. But God graciously preserved her and she got well finally.

It's been a long while since I prayed like this and in this kind of environment. My friend's dad was the only one apparently who had that many visitors (mainly church friends). According to my friend, the nurses gave up on them cos there were just so many of them though only 2 were allowed at a time. The waiting area was practically filled with our own people. At one time, I think there were like easily 20 of us there in and outside the icu room. I was touched by this. We really are a family and we are standing by a family member who at this time is in need. I appreciated it. When I walked by the other beds, there were hardly any visitors at all. My heart went out to them. To be in that state of needing life support is already bad enough. And in that state without anyone by your side must really be depressing.

Now we are just waiting for a miracle to happen. God has been faithful to my mum. I believe He'll be faithful to my friend's dad as well. We need a miracle......

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