Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Something My Colleague Said

Was chatting with my colleague in the late afternoon today. Something she said stuck with me and I wanna make sure I got it down. I was telling her about how cool my idol is. He looks good, sings well and can play a variety of instruments. She heard his flute playing and was super impressed. Then I let her listen to his singing as well as his piano playing.

Then I commented on how some people seem to have it all while people like me have to spend so much time and money yet not even come close to them. Then my colleague said that I am unique in my own self or something to that effect. Then she asked if my idol could do something I could do well which he obviously can't. I sort of snickered her comment away but I knew very well what she said was true.

I always claim that every single person has unique and individual gifts from God. Think I need to start believing it rather than just claim it. Guess my self-esteem has tumbled so low since I keep comparing myself to others. Again, I need to constantly remind myself that I AM UNIQUE and should not be comparing myself to others......

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