Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I always knew I was somewhat a melancholic of sorts but I never really looked into the details of it till lately. My boss was talking about the four personality types and he mentioned that I was a melancholic, which I already knew. One thing he mentioned that I did not think about was that melancholics were idealistic. That set me thinking. I went back and started looking up at the characteristics of melancholics. Then I realised that one of them was perfectionism. That made me ponder more into the details of my life.

Whenever I attend my vocal class, I often hear a lot of compliments and praises in regards to my voice and singing. But somehow, I never liked my voice nor my singing for that matter. So, I usually doubt my coach's praises thinking that she's just being kind and nice since I am her student. I questioned her a couple of times but she still insists that I do sound good. After looking in depth into this, I realised that it could really just be me and my idealistic view of things that caused me to think I am just not good enough. Same for other stuff as well. I really do not dare to step out to do a lot of stuff unless I am really confident I am REALLY ready to which of course never happens. So I guess from now on I need to really view things realistically and practically as well......

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