Sunday, May 2, 2010


Mixed stuff today......

1) Service was serious. Pastor was preaching about Jesus' coming back. Old topic. New insights. Wonder if it will drag me out of my stupor. I heard the seriousness of the message but I am not too sure if I caught it. Got a feeling I might just be one of those foolish virgins who ran out of oil when He returns......

2) Singing practice at home was good. Managed to hit the notes for some of the higher songs. Wish I could do it yesterday. The K session would have been more enjoyable......

3) I just found out my idol plays the flute as well. As very impressively as well......

4) I think I am depressed again. Thinking about relationships again......

5) Wish Jesus ain't coming back so soon. Still have some more sinning to do.......

6) Think I am a little high. Just had a drink with my cousin......

7) Internet connection is really slloooooowwwwwww......

8) I resent my dad. Why does he always have stuff for me to do? Why can't he just leave me alone? I hate his car. The battery died again. LOSER A MERC!

9) Think I am really random with this post......

10) Why do the people i like not like me?

11) Why am I so nice?

12) Think I better go and sleep soon......

13) Tomorrow is the first day without my supervisor. Wonder what will happen......

14) I feel like taking up my sax again. Think it will help my singing......

15) Kind of miss my dizi as well.

16) I wanna go into music full time......

17) I want a CAR!

18) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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