Monday, May 3, 2010

Long DAY

Apologies. Not much bright stuff to talk about of late. Guess the only happening thing for me today is lunch with sista. Yap that might be pretty much it. Still feeling a little dazed from the lack of sleep (nothing new). Had a really dreamy night so I did not feel rested at all. Guess all the expectations I put on myself has it's toll as well.

What do I really really need? More sleep? Maybe. Think I need more rested sleep. More money? Yar man, would be nice to get me a car. *Drool* More time? For sure, provided I can be disciplined enough to fully utilise them for good. Otherwise, it might just kill me. More company? Hmmm, I can immediately see in my mind who I would love to spend time with. More affection? Oh yes, am super hungry for that. Am craving for a hug. A squeeze. A pat on the shoulder. A......

Somehow for now, all I can see are my lacks in life. Hmmm, I gotta put my mind on something else man, or else I might just go bersek.

As usual, I do not seem to have a conclusion to this problem, so I'll leave it at that......

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