Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ministering To Others

I found myself in an awkward place this evening as I was about to leave the conference. As I walked towards the exit of the hall I saw a man standing around some seats looking about. I noticed one of his eye looked whitish where it was supposed to be black. So I just supposed it to be a blind eye not thinking too much about it since I see this kind of condition every now and then in the clinic. I also noticed the white cane near him so I figured it must be somewhat like that. Next thing I know, a thought come to mind. "He will not walk away from the conference disappointed". Before long I suspected it might just be a word for him. Then I started panicking. What if I was wrong? What if it was just me? I wanted to walk away quickly and exit the hall but I found myself walking towards him. Oh no!

I stood in front of him and said hi. Told him I did not know him but I felt God wanted to tell him he would not walk away from the conference disappointed. I wanted to leave but he proceeded to ask me to pray for him. Even though it seemed obvious what he wanted prayer for, I asked him what he wanted me to pray for him regarding. I had just learned in the conference we should ask them what they need prayer for cos the apparent need may not be the need they have on their mind. How true! He seemed reluctant at first but he started to open up to me. He told me he was a leader in a certain church who had lost one eye due to a certain disease couple of years ago. He then told me the issue he wanted prayer for was the divorce he was facing cos his wife did not want to live with a blind man.

Great! I just wanted to release a word then I end up praying for a man facing a divorce because of a blind eye! Anyway, I prayed for him and then I started feeling compassion for him. I ended up the one tearing! What came after the prayer was the shocker so to say. He told me he was asking the Lord for someone to encourage him with a word and he did not expect it to be so fast. Wow! I really heard GOD! I walked away awed to say the least, that God would use me to minister to someone. Praise God......

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