Monday, March 5, 2012

I'm Back!

Yap, I know. I moved to another blog. But after all these months of hiatus, it dawned on me that even though I wanted to make a clean break from the past to so-called start things anew, it is the past that has made me what I am today. So, after much (okay, maybe not so much) consideration, I have decided to move back.

I know I have a lot of catching up to do in terms of updating since the past few months have been pretty eventful as well as meaningful. I hope to be able to restart the process again, though I am really busy of late. Have been trying to become more proficient with my musical instruments as well as pick up more skills (eg. perfect pitch, playing by ear,......) It's been tough but fun. I have never been so into music before. Hopefully I can keep up to my plans and get somewhere by the end of the year......

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