Friday, March 16, 2012


I thought I would get energized from attending the conference over the past 3 days but it seems like I am more tired than normal. I guess I was hoping to get more rest since I have not been working for the past 3 days but unfortunately that did not happen. For one, I was still waking up at the same time I would for work. Then, even though I sleep about the same time, I feel more tired during the day. What's wrong? Withdrawal symptoms?

The conference was quite ok. I cried a fair bit as usual. Should have stayed for the night meetings but I gave it a miss cos I did not want to join the evening crowd to go home. Yap I know. Lame. There were lots of healings and impartations as well. This was the first time I might have come close to seeing the scene in the gospel when people were trying to touch Jesus in order to get healed. Bill Johnson was going around laying hands on people to impart the anointing to them. And there were people literally squeezing and stretching their hand out in the hope that Bill would notice and touch them. It felt kind of funny to see them on the projection screen.

To be frank I was mildly disgusted at first, seeing the scene on the screen. Then I changed my attitude when I saw my Pastor on the screen as well. I knew I wanted Bill's anointing when it came to teaching the bible but for me to be up there trying to get a touch from Bill really seemed embarrassing to say the least. I guess you could equate the scene to some ladies trying their best to squeeze through a crowd and grab that last item on sale. So in order to save my dignity I gave it a miss. I know again. Lame. Possibly stupid. Guess I was not as hungry compared to the others. Will be giving tomorrow a miss cos of worship meeting and practice. Sigh.

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