Monday, March 5, 2012

From My Other Blog: Me? God's Pleasure?

and a voice came out of heaven, “You are My beloved Son, in You I am well-pleased.”  Luke 3:22 (NASB)
I was meditating on my train ride to work just now when this verse came to mind. God was declaring this to Jesus as he was being baptized. What struck me was the fact that Jesus had yet to start His ministry and had not even done His first miracle. Yet the affirmation came. For me, I figure the affirmation should come after Jesus had done something of worth to sort of 'earn' it. Isn't that the basic philosophy of most humans? But it seems like God sees things and does things very differently from we do.
Most will say to this: "sure, Jesus is the son of God." But aren't we believers children of God? Aren't we in Christ now? So could there be some remote possibility God feels the same way towards us. Even despite our inabilities and weaknesses? As much as I find it hard to fathom in my natural mind, I realise this to be true both by the word and experientially.
I was on the bus yesterday on my way to church when I saw a fellow mission friend at a bus stop. Apparently she was waiting for her bus. As I passed her, I felt that I wanted to pray for her. I have always respected her because she had given up a lot to be based in Thailand to do God's work there. So as I prayed, I felt God's pleasure towards her. It was very tangible. So when I was home I decided to leave her a message via facebook to tell her what I experienced. She later wrote back to tell me that she had a really tough week either since she returned or during her recent mission trip. This left a mark in me.
I really struggle with this truth but who am I to argue with God? So is God pleased with you today?

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