Saturday, March 10, 2012

Last Night's Worship

Frankly, I was not too sure how it went. For me, it was the first time I led worship without any chord sheet. I was kind of concerned for any "blank out" moments which I would need to lean back on the ipad (where my song sheets are compiled) but thankfully there were none. So I suppose it's the beginnings of my "playing by ear" journey.

It was a dilemma for me when I thought of asking for feedback from the life group facebook page. On one hand, I did not want to be fishing for compliments in an underhanded way. Yet, I did not want to be oblivious to any glaring problems which may have surfaced yet went away unnoticed. My focus is usually on trying to get things flowing and get mistakes to be minimal since any mistake can be a distraction.

So far there are two feedback and both were good. So I suppose it went well. Won't be doing too much worship leading this year. Think I'll be focusing on improving my chops on the various instruments I play. Guess I'll get to play more for the Sunday services, namely the Mandarin service. Somehow I feel more confident playing for them since the congregation's made up mainly of the elderly. To me they seem more forgiving towards poorer quality instrumentation. ;) Of course, I do hope in time to come to play for the English service. Hopefully, I'll be less stressed up then. It'll be nice to be able to worship God more fully on the instrument than being focused on not making mistakes. We'll see......

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