Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Been reading other people's blog a fair bit of late. It seems like everyone or almost everyone think they have been through a lot in life. Guess what? I feel the same way too. But when I look at people around me or whom I hear about, I can't say that anymore. When I look around me, I realised I am actually very sheltered.

Just saw a patient today who came into my room with his helper in front. Upon checking his vision, I realised why he needed to. He was practically blind in both eyes. Apparently he had this eye condition which has no cure which leaves a person as good as blind. According to what her said, he mentioned that he had the condition over 10 years ago which means for the few decades prior he would have had much better vision. Being in the eye business, I can understand practically what he has been through and I can only say it's far from easy. Imagine going from decent vision to practically total blindness. Imagine going from independence to total reliance. Sad but true.....

There are a number of other stories I have heard so far but by the time I relate them, I think I might be suicidal but the main point I am driving at is that for me and many of us, our supposed big problems really ain't that big after all. It's a matter of perspective. Of course, to just totally bang on that fact would mean belittling a lot of what we have gone through, including myself. The problem for me is that I have often used the challenges I have or are going through as an excuse not to move on.

Unfortunately, the world still goes on and I feel very left behind which then adds to the misery I already feel. So, it becomes an endless spiral down a bottomless pit. So, unless I stop all my nonsense, there really is no meaning to life at all. God, I really need wisdom and strength. It really is time to move on despite all that has happened in the past.....

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