Friday, March 26, 2010

And I Thought I had No Feelings,...... I Was So Wrong

It's been a long while since I last wept like I did at work yesterday. And in the midst of 3 other colleagues! I knew I had to control myself and I could not come in contact with him, much less hug him......

One of my supervisor's leaving to study. He's the one colleague I feel most attached to because of the fact he is a believer and one of the nicest person around. I only came to realise how much a part of my world he was yesterday when he told me straight in the face he is going to study (i.e. leave us). It was worse than slapping me in the face. Apparently I was not the only one cos when I first entered the room where all three supervisors were, all were in tears. At first, I thought it was just some emo session they had while sharing some stuff. I still tried to be funny and acted as if I cried too and even applied some eyedrops to redden my eyes to look like them.

Okay this one's not too obvious......

Hmmm, this one's not obvious as well.....

That's me prior to finding out the facts. Trust me, after I found out what happened I did not need any eyedrops anymore......

When I later found out the truth, I went silent for quite a while. At the back of my mind, all the thoughts of how I could not survive without him practically drowned me. He is a pillar of strength to many of us here. To me, he really is the epitome of a true Christian. I knew I should go up to him and to give him my blessings but I really could not. It was really beyond me, way beyond me. I knew if I hugged him, I would break down. So I stayed where I was while still trying to take in all he had said.

Then the moment came. He walked over and hugged me. I broke down. I started to wept. As I hugged him, I could hear him praying under his breath. I tried to hold back but I knew it was no use. No use at all......

Looking back, I guess it's a good thing for him. He is pursuing what God has been telling him to do. He is going to study Divinity. Wish I could join him. In any case, who's to fight God. Guess I have to give him my blessings. One good thing is that at least I have someone else who can cause me more grief than J.

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