Saturday, March 6, 2010


My mum surprises me sometimes. I wish she would do so more often but I shall learn to be content. :) Despite her mostly illogical way of thinking, she surprised me when she was telling me today about being content.

I followed her for her follow up appointment with her respiratory doctor at Gleneagles hospital today. I surprised myself when I managed to keep in step with her most of the time. Usually I would be walking ahead of her and there would be no communication at all. Today, I was pretty much beside her. Much improvement I must say. After her appointment, we walked over to Tanglin Mall for lunch. We chatted about work and she was telling me how a number of companies have attempted to bring her over but she had not given them the time of day.

She then told me about how she was content with her present job though the pay might be lesser than outside. Though I seldom really listen to her, my antenna was up this time cos she was making sense. Somehow, I knew God was speaking through her to teach me about being content in life.

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