Friday, March 12, 2010

The 'Oracle'

Went to see the 'Oracle' of sorts this morning. Heard from my sis that this pastor's ministry is very accurate in the prophetic so I decided to go. It felt kind of scary at first and I felt like a school kid waiting to get his results or something. My sis and I were made to go pray in tongues in another room while waiting for our turn. When it was our turn we were brought to a big room and made to lie on mattresses beside the pastor. Hmmm, might as well be ministered to in comfort right?

The pastor ministered to my sis first then to me. He got me to pray in tongues and had his helpers interpret it. It was interesting in that some of the words of knowledge given by his helpers were pretty accurate. One of them was saying that one reason I was not able to move on in life was that I was feeling guilt over my past. Spot on.

Most of what the helpers said was not directional. It was only at the end when the pastor concluded my ministry by instructing me to read the bible from Genesis to Revelation. He said that God would speak to me through there. Hmmm, in a way directional and in a way not. Okay, time to get back into the word......

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