Monday, March 1, 2010

I Am Convinced He Is Of The Devil

Remember the relative I mentioned about during my previous posts who was trying to introduce me to mlm? He's at it again! After the last sms back to him, I thought that would be the last I hear from him. I was wrong, so wrong....... He called up just now, this time trying to get me to try a product his friend was selling. My goodness! When I told him I am not interested, he would question me why? Duh! Am I answerable to him for what I decide?????? It is my fault that I have not mustered up enough courage to tell him straight in the face to *%^#^ off.

Just when I thought I started to get better because of the weekend getaway, after I hung up the phone, I felt depressed again. That's why I am convinced he is sent of the devil. I always respected mlmers. Now I think it's starting to change. So glad that my bro in law is so different though he is one. He does talk to me about it from time to time but he gives me the space and liberty to say no. And I respect him for that. Enough said. Think I gotta go for another kelong trip to recover from my trauma...... :)

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