Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Recently I bumped into an old friend whom I have not met in like 8 or 9 years at my workplace. I was on my way to another room when I saw this guy smile at me. I am usually pretty cool about it cos I have seen thousands of patients by now. Probably one of those I have seen before. Next thing I know he calls me by name and by my chinese name. Then I panicked. How did he know my name? I tried very hard to recall who he was but my mind went blank. Then he told me his name. Still, I could not recognise him. Then he proceeded to tell me that he was so and so's husband. Then I suddenly recalled who he was. Then a bigger shocker came cos he looked so different from how I remembered him to be. And before my mind could kick in, my mouth already shot off:' Oh my God, you have put on so much weight!'

There was a silence. Then my 'lightning fast' brain realised the implications of what I just said. Oops. I was embarrassed. I quickly tried to divert the topic. 'How have you been?' Frankly I was not paying any attention to what he said after that. I was still stuck in the 'OMG, you have put on so much weight!' part of the conversation. After a short chat, I quickly excused myself. The worst part is that he is intending to do lasik with us which means that I will see more of him. Eeeks. As much as I do regret for my tactless comment (which came out faster than I knew) I was really surprised at how fat my friend has become. The last I remembered of him, he looked lke the typical athletic type of person. But now,......

Was chatting with my colleague about that incident later in the day and she was telling me that it typically happens to guys after they get married. SCARY! So, to the guys, you better take more pictures before you get married. Those will probably be your glory days. To the gals, do take pictures of your man before you get married. Those pictures will probably be the best it gets. :)

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