Sunday, May 3, 2009

What A Day

Hmmm, I thought that Sundays would usually be the best days in my life. Apparently it is not always so. Had a tough day today. To start it off, I had a hard time waking up cos of the rain last night. But I was on duty so I struggled to grab myself out of bed. Then my buddy in the pa (sound ministry) was late. Then we had issues with a mic that one of the worship leaders. The battery 'died' prematurely. That should not have happened. I made sure that it was sufficiently charged prior to slotting into the mic. Good thing we were near the end of the worship when that happened. So it was not too big an issue. The mandarin service went quite well. Instead of our pastor speaking, we had different so it was quite refreshing. He spoke bout the reasons why people reject accepting Jesus and he rebutted them one by one. Quite interesting.

Next came the English service. That was the tough one. There was an item introducing the children church camp and needed a whole lot more mics than usual. I was totally lost. Good thing my leader was there. She sure made it look like a breeze. I must admit that I was not paying attention to my pastor most of the time. I tried to spend a little time with my friend Enliang who had not been in church for three weeks due to travelling. Then I spent a little time as well with Caile and Macus. Hmmm, seems like I miss everyone.

After church I went for my usual gym session. Not too bad, I managed to increase my weights today for some of my exercises.

Then I headed to my dad's place to settle some stuff for him. Wish I didn't. His fax machine was spoilt and I had a hard time trying to get that dumb machine to work. To be frank, even if the machine was working fine prior, it would have been spoilt by the time I was done with it. I was so pissed with it I started to slam the machine harder and harder as if that would make it work. What made it worse was when I called my dad who is presently in Taiwan. He told me to call them and check with them how to fix it. As if I were so free to do so. As it is, I have been running much arrands for him since he went to Taiwan more than 6 months ago. I was pissed prior to calling and in the midst of the call, I would have loved to slam the phone. I am so glad that he would be returing end of the month. Can't wait to pass him back all his stuff.

Sigh. Thank God I am feeling better now. What a day man. So glad that I am at home now, resting and relaxing. Think I am gonna rest early tonight man,......

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